Cheaper for a comprehensive assessment of the total cost of ownership of an engineering solution.

20 years in the market of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan. And that is just the beginning!

Heat equipment

We provide the lowest cost of ownership of an engineering solution by performing the following tasks:

  • ensuring safe industrial processes: pumping equipment (network, feed, circulation pumps), seals, shut-off and control valves;
  • energy-efficient heat exchange systems: heat exchange equipment;
  • reliable transportation of various media: fiberglass piping systems for circulation systems, polyethylene piping systems;
  • stabilization of the power system: boiler equipment (steam boilers, hot water boilers, heat recovery boilers, diathermic boilers of coil and multi-tube type, diathermic boilers of container design, boilers for burning local fuels), industrial electric boilers (hot water, steam) with a capacity of up to 50 MV and electrode;
  • generation of electricity and heat from utilization sources (water, steam, process fluids, etc.): energy complexes based on ORC-turbine installations;
  • high-quality cleaning of liquids from gas impurities: spray-type deaerators;
  • environmentally safe combustion and burning: torches, including afterburners, flares of combustion of associated gas;
  • reduction of energy consumption: hydrodynamic turbo couplings for regulation and smooth start of high-voltage electric drives;
  • high-quality water treatment: chemical reagents;
  • zero liquid discharge technology.

To confirm the feasibility of introducing new equipment and / or technology we perform a simplified feasibility study for internal use with a simple payback period in the following areas:

  1. Modernization of power-consuming equipment.
  2. Modernization of heat-consuming equipment.
  3. Modernization of fuel-consuming equipment.
  4. Construction of a new facility with selection and justification of equipment efficiency.

We are also ready to develop a feasibility study for external use with the involvement of our partners: for example, to justify investments in accordance with a technical and commercial proposal or to confirm the investment attractiveness of the project.

To implement these process steps, we have a full range of appropriate equipment in the
Password generation