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New lease of life of rainwater

New lease of life of rainwater

Aachen, Germany – With a wide range of flavors and ingredients, crafted beers are gaining in popularity. One of the Belgian breweries became, perhaps, the most original in this matter, releasing a new beer brand using recycled rainwater.

The German company Intewa, engaged in water treatment technologies, supplied ultra-and microfiltration technology to the brewery Grain d ‘Orge in Omburg, Belgium for the production of new beer.

Pollutants are removed from the rainwater, and the new original beer called “B-rain” contains 6.5 vol. -% alcohol.

The idea for beer was developed by the managing director of Intewa, a partner from US and a Belgian brewer.

It should be noted that such original beer is currently only available through a company in Aachen.



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