Cheaper for a comprehensive assessment of the total cost of ownership of an engineering solution.

20 years in the market of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan. And that is just the beginning!


During the years of its activity our company has developed an extensive network of partners whith whom the company has built long-term mutually beneficial relationship.

Our main customers are:

  • Housing and communal enterprises of the largest cities in the Republic of Belarus (UE “Minskvodokanal”, UE “Brestvodokanal”, UE “Vitebskvodokanal”, UE “Grodnovodokanal”, UE “Vodokanal” Baranovichi etc.), as well as in the Republic of Kazakhstan and in the Russian Federation;
  • leading Belarusian enterprises of chemical, petrochemical and mining industry (JSC “Mozyr Oil Refinery”, JSC “Naftan”, JSC “Grodno Azot”, JSC “Gomel Chemical Plant”, JSC “SvetlogorskHimvolokno”, JSC “Belaruskali” and others);
  • Enterprises of energy sector ( “Belenergo” and its regional subsidiaries, including the largest thermal power stations – Minsk CHP-3, Minsk CHP-5, Svetlogorsk CHP and others);
  • PA “Belorusneft” – the main state-owned company for oil production, processing and transportation and others.

PA “Belorusneft” (Belarus)

“Belorusneft” is a leading state-owned company to provide oil services such as production, transportation and processing of oil and associated gas.

JSC “Mozyr Oil Refinery” (Belarus)

JSC “Mozyr Oil Refinery” – the largest manufacturer of motor gasoline, exporter and taxpayer of the Republic of Belarus.

JSC “Naftan” (Belarus)

The first oil refinery in Belarus. It is founded in 1963. In the nearly fifty-year history it has processed more than 690 million tons of oil.

JSC “Belaruskali” (Belarus)

JSC “Belaruskali” is one of the largest in the world and the largest in the CIS producer and supplier of potash mineral fertilizers.

JSC “Grodno Azot” (Belarus)

JSC “Grodno Azot” is a modern, highly automated enterprise of petrochemical sector. It pecializes in the production of liquid technical ammonia, nitrogen fertilizers, urea-ammonia mixtures, technical methanol, biodiesel and others.

JSC “Gomel Chemical Plant” (Belarus)

JSC “Gomel Chemical Plant” is an enterprise specializing in the production of high performance complex fertilizers. It highly meets the needs of agriculture in Belarus, constantly increases its output for export products.

LLP “Kazakhmys Corporation” (Kazakhstan)

Kazakhmys Corporation is the largest copper producer in Kazakhstan.

LLP “Kazzinc” (Kazakhstan)

Kazzinc is a large integrated zinc producer with a high degree of concomitant copper, precious metals and lead in Kazakhstan

SPA “Belenergo” (Belarus)

SPA “Belenergo” and its regional divisions: “Minskenergo”, “Brestenergo”, “Vitebskenergo”. The enterprise was established pursuant to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus in the reorganization of the Belarusian State Energy Concern for management functions and economic activities in the electricity sector of the Republic of Belarus.

JSC “VO”Tyazhpromexport” (Russia)

JSC “VO “Tyazhpromexport” is a company assisting foreign countries in design, construction, reconstruction and operation of enterprises of ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, mining and coal industry, machine-building plants.

PJSC “Quadra” (Russia)

The principal activities of PJSC “Quadra” is the production and sale of electricity in the wholesale market of electricity and power, as well as the production and transportation of thermal energy  and sale at the retail market.


OJSC “BSW – management company of “BMC” holding” (Belarus)

OJSC “BSW – management company of “BMC” holding” is a unique enterprise of metallurgical industry in Belarus. It belongs to the category of modern mini-mills of European level. BMZ is property of the state and it is in the registry of high tech enterprises of the country.


LLC “Novo-Ryazan TPS”

The Ryazan branch of Novo-Ryazan TPS is the largest producer of thermal and electric energy in the city of Ryazan. The great social significance of a thermal power plant is determined by its share in providing the regional center with thermal energy: a thermal power plant supplies heat and hot water to more than 60 percent of the housing and communal sector of the city of Ryazan.


LLP “MAEC-Kazatomprom” (Kazakhstan)

LLP “MAEC-Kazatomprom” is a multi-enterprise which provides the Mangistau region with electricity, heat, drinking, hot, industrial water and distillate.

SC “Mosvodocanal” (Russia)

Russia’s largest water company, providing services in the sphere of water supply and wastwater disposal for over 15 million inhabitants of Moscow and Moscow region.


UE “Minskvodocanal” (Belarus)

UE “Minskvodokanal” is a modern enterprise with a renewed energy-saving equipment, automation and control of industrial processes.

PUC “Brestvodocanal” (Belarus)

Public Utility Company “Brestvodokanal” is a large utility company that provides services in the sphere of water supply and wastewater disposal for the inhabitants of Brest and its suburbs.

PUC “Grodnovodocanal” (Belarus)

PUC “Grodnovodokanal” is a large energy-intensive enterprise, which provides services for about 1500 km underground pipeline, 300 km of cable lines and about 90 units of motor transport and special equipment.

PUC “Gomelvodocanal” (Belarus)

Unitary Enterprise “Gomelvodokanal” is a company that provides full range of water supply and wastewater disposal services for the second largest city in the Republic of Belarus and its suburban part of the population of more than 500 thousand people.

CUE «Vodokanal» Baranovichi (Belarus)

Baranovichi municipal unitary production enterprise “Vodokanal” is a modern enterprise with a complete closed production cycle: extraction and purification of water, sale to consumers, drainage and sewage treatment.

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