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Cellulose plastic: decomposes in 4 years

Cellulose plastic: decomposes in 4 years

The popularity of plastic as a material is due to its low cost, strength and durability. However, humanity has to pay for its attractive properties and the price is veryhigh. And it turns out that nature in the war for ecology is defeated: flora and fauna suffer.

Scientists from all over the world are looking for a more harmless analogue that would not be inferior in strength and price, but decompose more quickly. And there is positive news! An article about the new material was published by the scientific publication New Atlas. The plastic recipe was developed by employees of the Japanese company NEC. She is engaged in the production of electronic equipment but, apparently, she also has special laboratories for the creation of new materials. Created plastic consists of 50% plant materials, so that items made from it completely decompose in just 4 years. The indicator is actually amazing – ordinary plastic retains its shape and harmful properties for several centuries!

The material of the new plastic called NeCycle is 50% cellulose, easily decomposes under the influence of microorganisms that live in the soil. What the rest of the plastic consists of is not known, but we want to note that the material completely decomposes in just 4 years. In fact, it is slightly similar to wood: for example, products from birch rot in 2-3 years.

In the future, the company intends to sell NeCycle to third-party manufacturers. It is planned to distribute it in two forms:


  1. In the form of finished parts for various equipment.
  2. In the form of granules: they can be melted, poured into molds and made from the material all that is needed.

An optimistic forecast says that by 2025, NEC will sell material totaling $46 million.


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