The purpose of the technology for obtaining dispersed carbon black from hydrocarbon gas is to enable the production of high-tech materials for various purposes based on the use of special carbon black and other products of controlled pyrolysis of natural and associated petroleum gas.
Main applications of the technology:
- production of special carbon black;production of catalysts for the chemical and petrochemical industries;
- production of available hydrogen;
- production of portable energy storage devices: batteries, accumulators, supercapacitors;
- production of isotropic and needle cokes for the smelting of special steels;
- utilization of associated petroleum gases accompanied by “conservation” of carbon, etc.
The main unit of technological equipment is a reactor which can be used in principle both in the complex and equipped with systems.
A special feature of the reactor design is the use of an extensive network of screens mainly made of coil pipes. They provide maximum heat dissipation which minimizes the use of ceramics and refractories as lining. This technology reduces the sensitivity of the reactor to transient operating conditions, including multiple starts and shutdowns.
Advantages of the technology and the benefits received
Since the raw material for the process is hydrocarbon gas which is relatively easy to clean from sulfur compounds and since the technical conditions provide for the use of demineralized water and / or chemically inert gas this ensures very low ash content and mass fraction of sulfur.
This technology as well as the equipment for its implementation together with the appropriate software can be used in the interests of oil production in fields (primarily small ones) where there are no systems for collecting associated petroleum gas due to the unprofitability of their creation. Due to the compactness and mobility of the equipment, they provide a solution to the most important environmental problem – the utilization of associated petroleum gas, and allow oil-producing enterprises not only to get rid of fines for burning associated petroleum gas in flares but also to additionally receive highly liquid products.
Due to the above advantages, the technology of controlled pyrolysis of associated petroleum gas can be effectively applied to prepare heavy high-viscosity oil for its further transportation at the refinery. At the same time, the hydrogen obtained during processing should be used in the processes of hydrogenation of oil directly in the fields, as a result of which both a decrease in the viscosity of oil and a decrease in the sulfur content in it will be achieved. As a result, it will facilitate further refining of oil and increase its market price.