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Installation of a fluid coupling on a feed pump for Novo-Ryazanskaya CHPP LLC

Full description

Location: Ryazan, Russian Federation
Scope of delivery: D21KSL-HS fluid coupling for a PE-500-180-2 feed pump
Manufacturer: Transfluid Srl (Italy)
Customer: Novo-Ryazanskaya CHPP LLC


To regulate the parameters and optimize the operation of various technological systems with mechanisms operating in variable modes, existing solutions with throttling lead to huge losses. Until recently, businesses either ignored these losses or put up with them. Today, it is necessary to minimize them and increase the energy efficiency of equipment. Usually in technological systems electric motors were installed in the calculation of the maximum capacity of the equipment, while the peak hours constitute only 10-15% of the total work time. As a result, the equipment consumes almost 1.5 times more electricity than required for optimum technological process.


For accurate and efficient flow control (pressure) of the working environment and speed of the equipment used by the universal coupling – variable speed speed. This is the best solution to accommodate centrifugal equipment to the required performance, in terms of the ratio “price-quality”. At relatively low investment costs fluid couplings provide high efficiency and allow you to benefit from the economy of the consumed electric power. Maintenance of fluid coupling includes checking the oil level and its periodic replacement.

On August 26, 2019, a contract was signed between Novo-Ryazan CHPP LLC and Aquaecology LLC for the development of technical documentation and the subsequent supply of hydraulic coupling for a PE feed pump-500-180-2.

Within the framework of the project, the following tasks were performed:

  1. Inspection of the condition of the existing foundation of the hydraulic coupling PEN-500-180-2.
  2. Development of project documentation for strengthening the existing foundation, installing a hydraulic coupling, automating the regulation of the feed electric pump (hereinafter referred to as PEN) by means of a hydraulic coupling.
  3. Works on modernization and strengthening of the PEN foundation.
  4. Delivery of a variable-fill hydraulic coupling with a drive capacity of 4000 kW manufactured by Transfluid and an automation system of the company TIUS.
  5. Installation of the supplied equipment.
  6. Start-up and adjustment works.
On September 21, 2020, 72-hour complex tests of the hydraulic coupling in the composition with PEN were performed. As a result, there are no comments, the hydraulic coupling is put into operation.

Thus, OOO “Novo-Ryazan CHPP” received the following benefits:

  • energy savings;
  • damping and damping of torsional vibrations of a wide range of amplitudes and frequencies;
  • reduction of pulsating and peak loads operating in the operating mode, both in the transmission elements and in the drive motor, which allows you to significantly extend the service life of both the electric pump unit itself and the control valves.
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